Morrison Quarry...again.
Any suggestions for a decent webhost? I've lost my patience with mine. They've broken their php and now these comments aren't working properly. I can no longer access my webmail, and many emails have been lost. That's just a few items on a long list of problems. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Categories: [Morrison Quarry] [Quebec]
Tags: none
i use, they're cheap (i just renewed for $77 CAN / year) and you can get a recurring pixelpost discount of 10% when you sign up. they've been reliable for me, i think only 1 outage in the past year. 2 gig space, php, mysql etc etc. easy to work with and responsive when you put in a ticket. i can dig up the pixelpost promo code to get the 10% or you could prolly search the pixelpost forums / site for it.
marc on 15th November 2006 @ 11:53am
Nice colours!
Nukem on 7th December 2006 @ 8:34pm
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