Going back quite a few years into the archives. We found this cool mushroom growing on this log chair while roaming a trail in Manitoulin Island at Gordon's Campground.
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Categories: [Around Ontario] [film] [nature]
Tags: none
The funny story with this toad stood goes. A magic Rocker was strolling through the forest when he happened on this bench. He sat down and smoked a joint. But little did he know his joint was laced with a majic hippy mushroom melt. He immediatly farted and was turned into a toad stool. He has been there ever since waiting for someone, anyone to come along and sit on the bench and fart. Forever releasing the spell and making the Rocker whole again. The moral, when walking in the woods and farting. Does anyone care?
Flavour of the Minute on 5th December 2006 @ 9:56am
I like the way the light is showering the mushroom. It makes it seem like a throne, A Mushroom Throne.
Nukem on 7th December 2006 @ 8:21pm
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