This is another one of those places that I've dreamed about before actually ever being there. Whenever I get to one of these places from my subconscious a really eerie feeling comes over me. Almost like a déjà -vu but much more intense. The context of my dream doesn't help since it was supposed to be the apocalypse or something. There were bats flying everywhere, the place was burning, and people were jumping off the roof(including some of the nuns). It wasn't really a nightmare and I wasn't afraid in my dream. I just watched and thought about how phucked up the whole situation was.
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you should be a bit errie, Elisabeth Bruyere is the place where terminal ill patients go before passing on.
also it is a place where heart and stroke patients get rehibilation
ththe old farte old fart on 15th January 2007 @ 1:22pm
Maybe you've been there in a past life. May be it's a memory... May be it's a premonition too...
france on 2nd April 2007 @ 12:17am
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