Today marks my one year Anniversary of the official launch of this blog. I thank all of you for taking the time to visit and I appreciate your comments. I have very much enjoyed making this an everyday distraction in my life as well as having an outlet for creativity and expression...blah blah blah.
I hope you've enjoyed it so far and will continue to do so.
Category: [architecture]
Tags: none
That's one sweet brick wall!!!
Kieran on 30th April 2007 @ 8:04am
I am a little kid putting brickies in a pile, when I reach the top I will sit there and smile
the young fart with heart on 30th April 2007 @ 9:01am
Happy Birthday to FGD.
Nate-Dogg on 30th April 2007 @ 10:10am
Happy Anniversary Ruhh!
christina on 30th April 2007 @ 12:27pm
So many people I've met seem content to just wallow away their days never trying to make a difference in their own lives let alone someone elses. Its good to see someone at least attempt to brighten other peoples exsitence with the things that interest them. Way to go and keep it up Ruhh. Blahh Blahhh Mumble mumble...
Nukem on 30th April 2007 @ 6:25pm
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