Not having reached an actual peak during any of our hikes due to weather, blisters or lack of sleep we were determined to reach one of the peaks while visiting the Hualapai Mountains near Kingman, AZ.
We began the journey a little too late and by the time we reached the peak the sun was setting after hiking 2 hours to reach the top. We realized the way down was going to be nearly in complete darkness with only one shitty little flashlight on trails we've never been on before. Either way, it was a spectacular hike and enjoyed every minute of it.
In order to motivate ourselves to make it back, we promised ourselves that we would drive back into Kingman to get a peice of pie and some hot chocolate. If we couldn't find the pie we would stop into a sleazy 'Route 66' bar and check out the scene for a drink. We ended up settling for shitty nachos and beer/wine at a shitty chain restaurant but still returned satisfied and slept like logs.
Categories: [landscape] [southwest tour 07]
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The rolling stones must be around here someplace
the rolling old fart on 29th June 2007 @ 8:26pm
There's always a satisfaction climbing a mountain. There's no such thing as a shitty beer. ;)
Rocky on 1st July 2007 @ 9:14am
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