If you get a chance check out the Billings Bridge Crows. There is a giant roost of hundreds if not thousands of them along Riverside Drive near Bank Street. A friend has also mentioned they spend the nights there while another thinks some of them spend their days around the Civic Hospital. Either way it's interesting to see these cool winged creatures gather. I imagine they have quite the social structure.
Around the same time last year I took a similar photo from a different location but likely a satellite gang of the same bunch.
Categories: [Birds] [Night] [ottawa]
Tags: billings-bridge birds crows night ottawa
The photo has some pretty cool effects. But I love the name, it has a very Hitchcock like sound to it. Like your about to tell a cool story after you say the name " The Crows of Billings Bridge"
Flex Nukem on 3rd January 2008 @ 10:56am
This photo gives you something to crow about
the old bird fart on 3rd January 2008 @ 12:35pm
Yeah you told me about this one. Cool. It looks like these things called "Rods", which is basically an urban legend perpetuated by The Learning Channel. Google "Rods" and you'll see.
Kirb on 6th January 2008 @ 1:11pm
That is some cool slow shutter effect. We also have tons of crows close to Orleans. They eat the salt on the roads and leftover corn in the fields.
Rocky on 7th January 2008 @ 2:18pm
Holy crow that's cool. Good way to see their flight patterns. You could probably measure the wing strokes per meter. Can you spot Carlos?
Paw on 7th January 2008 @ 3:48pm
very unreal photo, the shadows are unlike anything I have ever seen.
Bouncing Light on 7th January 2008 @ 4:32pm
Looks like the invasion of staphylococcus. Run for your lives!
the mama xo on 26th March 2008 @ 6:57pm
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