I'll give you break from road trip photos today.
Thursday night I was feeling a little pixelated, to borrow a term from Douglas Coupland, from spending too much time in front of a monitor. I decided to shut off the computer and mozy on down to the Ottawa River to sit and watch the sunset for some quiet contemplation.
The sunset was beautiful as I watched kayaks, sailboats, and the occasional, annoying watercraft pass by as I sat with a pair of gay Mallard ducks. Once the sun had set I witnessed an intricate display of creatures in their daily routines. Birds hurrying back into their nests after feeding on Shadflies that fluttered over the water. Those Shadflies in turn seemed to be chasing even smaller bugs that raced on the water surface. While ignoring the smaller bugs, small fish and minnows surfaced to snack on the more daring Shads. Other Shads, a few feet higher than the ones on the water surface, looked as though they were pairing up for the night and flying off. It was a great decision to leave the tight confines of the 'world wide web' and experience the real world again.
Categories: [landscape] [Night] [ottawa] [strangers]
Tags: none
All I can say is that the Manly Handbook authors would not approve of your post Ron. Here's a few reasons why:
1) You used the word "beautiful" when not refering to a nice goal.
2) You used the term "quiet contemplation"
These are things that a real man should not come remotely close to attempt to even consider saying.
Just kidding. I broke out the Manly Handbook yesterday for Jeanine's step-dad (who claimed to have written the book) so all that "manly" humour is fresh in my mind. Nice pic though.
Kieran on 5th June 2006 @ 9:43am
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