The birch tree suffered enormously from the itch, he squirmed; he writhed in discomfort. Though he had numerous limbs, arms, and fingers, he could not scratch. There was nothing the birch tree could do to relieve his sufferings.
In his agony the poor birch called out to the squirrels and porcupines and beavers to pick out the ticks, grubs, and beetles that were tormenting him. But the squirrels and porcupines and beavers were too busy to offer any help. The best they could do was to give their sympathy without limit.
Next the birch called out to the birds. They too felt sorry for the birch, but they could do nothing. Only the woodpeckers came to help. Coming to the aid of the poor tree the downy woodpecker, his cousin, the red-headed woodpecker, the flicker, and the chickadee all picked every pest from beneath the bark of the birch. The birch tree ceased itching.
Many years later the woodpeckers were in distress. Not knowing what to do or whom they could find to help, they, at last came to the birch and related a sad story. In the long rainless spell, the woodpeckers were dying from thirst. The woodpeckers were unable to drink from pools and lakes like other birds could.
"Could," they asked, "you do something?"
The birch remembering the help that he had received from the woodpeckers said to them, "Go to my trunk and drill two holes near each other and the will presently fill up with my sap."
The desperate woodpeckers flew down and drummed away at the trunk of the tree, until they had drilled two tiny holes. Almost immediately the holes began to fill up and yield a rich flow of sap. Thirstily, the woodpeckers drank and they have been drinking from trees since that time.
Basil Johnston Ojibway Heritage
Happy National Aboriginal Day and Summer Solstice
Basil Johnston is one of my favorite authors and I would recommend any of his books.
I painted this sometime in 2003 with acrylic on a 12"x24" canvas.
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MMMMM! Birch Sap. Cool Painting!
Happy first day of summer
Nathaniel on 21st June 2006 @ 11:29am
Thats pretty deep and informative for the first day of summer but it is very fitting for national aboriginal day. My old Lady loves it!! Do you do Tattoos??
Nukem on 21st June 2006 @ 10:03pm
C'est vraiment joli, cette histoire
C'est vraiment joli, cette hi on 1st April 2007 @ 11:36pm
I'm dying to figure out what kind of bacteria that is on the right
secretfreak on 19th June 2007 @ 8:12am
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