Unable to find a proper grocery store in the old and run down oil-boom-town of Fort Stockton, we drove past Sarah's Cafe. Soon as I saw it I demanded we stop here to eat and order Cerveza's and Margheritas even if I had to foot the bill. Returning from the desert I was dying for a good cold drink, some authentic Mexican food, and a bit of local culture. The food was amazing. Oh god, I've never had a Chalupa, and they were delicious! I love Mexican food and this was by far the best I've ever had.
Cleo was one of the most hospitable women I've ever met. Once she learned we were from Canada the hospitality doubled. She gave us business cards and pins, insisted we sign the guest book, and she was more than pleased to let us take her photo. She made us coffee to go and even offered that I could take my beer to go.
I thought of converting this photo to B&W or another flavour, but I was really pleased the way the lighting worked out. Especially the fact this was handheld indoor without flash. I literally did nothing to this photo but a slight crop and noise reduction.
Categories: [film] [Portraits] [strangers] [Texas Trip 06]
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Fort Stockton is most famous for its giant road runner statue. There are pictures of it by Cleo's hands.
Corrie on 27th June 2006 @ 11:54am
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